MINDS awarded NSF-Simons Foundation’s Research Collaborations on the Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning (MoDL)

/ September 2, 2020/ Uncategorized

The $10 million, five-year award titled “Collaborative Research: Transferable, Hierarchical, Expressive, Optimal, Robust, and Interpretable NETworks (THEORINET)” will support René and his team in developing a mathematical, statistical and computational framework that will explain the success of current deep network architectures, understand its pitfalls, and guide the design of novel architectures with guaranteed performance. The project will also create new undergraduate and graduate research programs to equip a new STEM workforce with essential and competitive data science skills.

Joining René on this project are three other MINDS faculty members: Mauro Maggioni, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and the Department of Mathematics, Soledad Villar, assistant professor in the department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and Joshua Vogelstein, assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

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